Biar apa orang kata yang penting aku adalah aku....
suka melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik "kadang2...",
sensitif, berfikiran mendalam, "yelah tue..."
pandai mengambil hati orang lain "eh yer ke..??"
pendiam kecuali setelah dirangsang "ini memang aku..."
agak pemalu "kalau tak kenal orang laaa....."
daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi "tinggi la sangat.."
badan sehat tetapi mudah diserang selesema "memang pun..."
bersikap romantik tetapi x pandai mempamerkanya "romantik kt suami jerr.."
cukup sayang kepada kanak-kanak "anak aku n budak yang comel2 jerr.."
suka duduk di rumah "haa....apa lagi layan fb atau blog aku la.."
setia pada segalanya..."semestinya..."

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Contengan Pena: .:: Love Quotes ::.

Contengan Pena: .:: Love Quotes ::.:

Love is friendship set on fire ~Jeremy Taylor~

If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours.If they don't, they never were.~Anon~

                Love is a never ending feeling ~Adeil Prince~

Love like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same ~Helen Keller~

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within ~ James Baldwin ~

Love can sometimes be magic. But Magic can sometimes just be an illusion ~ Javan ~

I have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it. ~Kyle Schmidt~

One word frees us from the weight and pain of life; that word is love~Sophocles~

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